Stuck in a Saturday!

One Saturday in AD. 29, in the middle East,
The world was silent
It was a Sabbath
Disciples were waiting
Mary and the women were waiting
Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus were waiting
The high priests were waiting
The Romans were waiting
The tomb was waiting
Heaven was waiting
Heaven was silent

The prophets had foretold, Jesus had reminded that good Friday would not be the end. All was forgotten while waiting on Saturday.
Mary and the women were waiting to embalm the dead body of the savior, Peter and others were waiting and pondering over alternative career options. The high priests and their folks had probably postponed their celebration to after Sabbath.

Saturday is the day between good Friday and resurrection Sunday. It’s a day of waiting. Waiting for the unknown. As I write this, the world is stuck in a Saturday, the virus came, saw and conquered. We’re living in unprecedented times when the world has been brought to a standstill by an invisible enemy, living in the aftermath with no surety of the future.

Sometime before Sunday morn, the tomb stone rattled, and there was no body to be embalmed. When Jesus met them again He reminded them again that He is the fulfillment of the law and the prophets; their fear gave way to awe and wonder.

As we live, not knowing what tomorrow brings, how we live through this protracted Saturday of waiting period will have far repercussions in to our future.
If we forget His promises then our waiting will be fearful just like that of Peter and his friends, so let us look back on His promises, reminisce the past victories God has led us into.

Because He lives we can face tomorrow, choose faith over fear. There is hope for tomorrow and we shall come out stronger.