Guest Post: Battle Strategy

On our Knees, our Stand, our Move
We all fight battles on a regular basis, whether in our personal front, in our professional, relationship arena or others. But fight we must ,not just to survive but because it’s a fiercely competitive world and only the victors are acknowledged, admired and applauded. The losers, quitters, failures, drop outs are jeered at, mocked, booed out of the arena.
We should understand clearly –
1. our opponent, our company/ troop, the Foes and the friends/ allies ;
2. the battlefield ;
3. our weapons of offence and defence ;
4. the target / goal ;
5. the crown / trophy🏆.
6. the defender, our Champion who will come to our rescue when the battle is tough, whose roar will silence every shout of the enemy, under whose banner when we stand, the victory is sure.

The battle is 1st fought on:-

1. Our Knees. Every soldier bends his knee before his king as he is bestowed his rank, weapon etc.
So we too daily begin our battle on our knees as we bend them in prayer before the Sovereign King in adoration and HE teaches us the strategy and gives us the Daily Bread, the weapons. Ephesians 6 teaches us how to wear, use and fight. This is possible as we further read, meditate on His Word/ Bible, the Book which has stood all times,centuries, culture, opposition and still stands true.

2. Our Stand. Then we learn to take our stand in the heat of the battle. He assigns our place.. whether at the front, leading, or in the middle where the battle is the fiercest, or as the rear guard bringing the reinforcements.
And stand we must against all the attacks, whether it is for justice and truth in a fallen and evil world or to execute the Master’s plan in the face of all opposition.

3. Our Move. David just didn’t stand on guard in the face of Goliath’s challenge. He made a move – to a place to reinforce his weapons of warfare, a stream to collect his 5 stones, readied his armour, a sling. Then RAN towards Goliath replying boldly to his demeaning challenge. He morally, mentally boosted himself and was not cowed down by Goliath’s towering height, huge sized war weapons or his battle cry and insulting challenge.
He knew HIS KING who had taught him the battle strategies. Though it all looked so foolish, David fought and brought down the mighty Goliath who had been challenging the Israelite army for the last 40 days.
And David used Goliath’s own sword to cut off his head which he carried as his trophy.

We too can do so. The ONE who defeated sin & death is our Champion who leads us in our battles, Lord JESUS CHRIST. For actually every battle is HIS, we just fight as He directs us through His Holy Spirit.
Victory according to HIS calculations, ways, time is surely ours.
Seek HIS FACE, listen to HIS VOICE, follow what HE tells us to.
God Bless.
Jamie James

PS: The author is my mom who is a High School Principal and enjoys free lance writing in her free time.