Lessons from fatherhood – IV

Clinging onto the Father

My baby girl, Faith is almost 10 months, she’s always loved being carried around on her daddy’s arms. She would always hold on to our clothes whenever we pick her up but recently she started grasping, a tight-grasp as if hanging for life. If she fears someone is going to take her away from us (stranger-anxiety) or we are gonna put her down when she wants to be carried around, she will clinch on to my clothes so tightly that we’ve to break her grip first to put her down.
A baby may think that it’s her cinch, her hold on her dad that’s preventing a fall but in actually it’s the dad’s hold on her that sustains the embrace.
“Absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our master has embraced us.” Romans 8:39 (The Message)
It’s not our strength or doing but His embrace that allows us to weather storms and uncharted waters.

We’ve had a stormy weather past couple of days, with some heavy rains and thundering. Whenever there is a loud frightening thunder, Faith will hold on even so tightly and pull herself closer as if to sink in my embrace.
This is something that Covid 19 did for the world; a study done in University of Copenhagen said that level of prayer searches (Google) in March 2020 was more than 50 per cent higher than the average during February 2020. The top English-language Bible on Google Play and App Store was installed almost two million times, the highest amount ever recorded for March, according to Appfigures.

May the trials and storms of our lives push us closer to the heart of our Father, deeper into His embrace rather than pull us away. May our trials function to underscore our need for a savior, our Father. May they function to highlight the preposterousness of the delusions of our self sufficiency.

God bless!