Inter-dependence day

70 years after India gained her independence on the same day in 2017, August the 15th, I married Shalom Philip. That was our first inter-dependence day, today it’s been 4 years since the day we said our vows.

Some of my friends joked in lieu with the post-truth culture that I lost my independence on the day that my country gained her’s. But nothing could be farther from the truth, marriage as a covenant under Christ brings together two imperfect and incomplete individuals who find their completeness not in each other but together in Christ.

Growing up multiple times I had heard my mom being addressed as a super-woman cause of the way she juggled but gracefully managed her school work, home responsibilities and the daunting task of bringing up two children. Now, I’ve realised that I’ve married another super-woman, because of the way Shalom manages the home, college work and demands of a toddler at home, all alone since I’m away.

I believe every mother is a super hero but working mothers more so with the added demands and energy drain at work. Bringing up a toddler alone in a city with 2 maids and an alien culture is overwhelming to say the least but God is good and His grace has been enough. The sacrifices you’ve (Shalom) made will never be in vain, in the light of eternity our lives will make a difference, a dent in history that only time will tell.

So, here’s to the memories made and the faithfulness of God and the adventures yet to come.

Who could ever find a wife like this one — she is a woman of strength and mighty valor! She’s full of wealth and wisdom. The price paid for her was greater than many jewels.
Proverbs 31:10 TPT

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